Choosing and Caring for a New Pet

Surprising Foods Likely To Send Your Dog to the Animal Hospital

Most pet owners tend to treat their dogs like their furry babies, which sometimes means sharing your food with them. But in some instances, edibles that are perfectly safe to be consumed by humans can prove extremely toxic to dogs, even when these foods are not considered poisonous to other animals! The reason why some of your foodstuffs can be dangerous to your furry friend is that dogs have a different type of metabolism. Moreover, the metabolic rate will also drastically different from one canine to the next. If you want to reduce the risk of an emergency trip to the animal hospital, take note of the following foods that can be surprisingly lethal to your dog.


The versatile flavour profile of avocado makes it a favourite side dish for any meal. And having these fruits around the house increases the chance of your dog ingesting it by mistake too. There are a couple of reasons why your dog should be kept away from avocados. Firstly, the fruit contains a compound known as persin. When ingested, the persin can cause your dog to develop spontaneous vomiting and diarrhoea. In some severe cases, some dogs may even suffer from heart congestion, which can prove fatal. The second reason why avocado should be restricted to your pet is the pit. Dogs can be quite overzealous, and it is easy for them to swallow the pit under the assumption it is a bone. When swallowed whole, this pit can restrict their airway, leading to choking.

Raisins and grapes

Your dog might lake the sweet taste of raisins and grapes, but you could be unknowingly putting their life at risk. Although not all dog species are affected, there have been cases of canines developing kidney failure after ingesting these foods. Other symptoms associated with the consumption of grapes and raisins is unexplained lethargy, diminished appetite and sudden onset diarrhoea. If the symptoms are left unencumbered, perhaps because you assume they will pass on their own, your dog becomes at high risk of dehydration. It is always advisable to take the pet to an animal hospital to determine if they are having an adverse reaction to these foods.


Corn is not inherently risky to dogs. However, giving them corn on the cob can be detrimental to their health. Since dogs like to chew, they could easily swallow the cob in their attempts at biting of the corn. When this happens, not only does it pose the threat of a choking hazard but there is also a high chance of an intestinal blockage occurring.